February 4, 2014

san lil' sebastian

If you have been reading my blogposts or have watched the wonderful show of Parks & Recreation, then you will understand the title of this post.
If not, watch Parks & Rec especially the episode with Lil' Sebastian and then get back to me. It's a great one, I promise you.

January 4th, 2014
San Sebastian is located an hour from Pamplona more in the north of Spain as it is a city that is known for their beaches, and by beaches I mean it has 3 beaches.
During the summertime, when I would visit Spain, my family and I would go to San Sebastian on a hot day and lay on the beach. Little did we know that everyone in northern Spain/ Basque Country had the same thought.
Even with three beaches, it is still packed with tourists and Spanish people.
It's the typical beach, warm sand between your toes, not a cloud in site and the sun shining giving you (mostly me) a wonderful tan, and the water set to a perfect temperature, not too cold and not to warm.
If I was 18 not 8 when I was there the last summer, I would have had a tinto in my hand a some tapas and would never leave. Like ever.

But fast forward 12 years later when I returned and it wasn't like that.
Unfortunately, San Sebastian is not like California where it stays sunny forever. It gets really cold and windy and the waves are so strong that they sometimes over flow into the city.
Like seriously the day after we left there was a huge flood caused by the waves of San Lil' Sebastian.

Fortunately, the waves didn't catch us but we did get into a huge wind and rain storm which will be pictured soon.

Beach #1 in San Sebastian

The Church of San Sebastian

More clocks to add to my clock collection
 When we got to San Sebastian it wasn't raining or windy, just muggy but after we stopped at a bar for the below pintxos we saw people in their umbrellas and when we walked out, we were blown away by the weather change...literally.

This was my favorite and the one that I had.
Bread with a cooked red pepper, brie cheese, caramelized onion, and jamón on a toothpick.
Or as I like to call it Pintxos of the Carribean, because that's what it looks like.
I just need my Captain Jack Asparagus and we're all good.

This picture is hard to tell because it's blurry but that small figure is my sister trying to run in the cold, harsh wind.
And when I mean cold, harsh wind, I mean so harsh that one of our umbrellas broke and my godmother almost lost her hat.
Only after 15 minutes of being in the bar eating pintxos, we decided to go to a restaurant for lunch because none of us could handle the cold weather anymore.

Ok, I wish I could tell you what this is but I can't, I think it's called 
Hojaldre or something. I'm really sorry, but it's like a puff pastry with sauces.
It was really good and that's all you need to know.

This is jamón once again with eggs and french fries and a pepper.
(I'm not sure if you can tell but the Spanish really like putting french fries and peppers on everything, which was totally fine with me because I love both.)

This is the Hotel Londres.
It has no significant meaning in our family but 3 years when I came here I took this exact picture because I really like the architecture of the building and the letters.

Top Picture taken in 2010
Bottom Picture taken in 2014

Beach #2 in San Sebastian

Clock #IDK I lost count in Prague

Walking around the beach and waiting for the weather to die down, we stopped at a cafe and had Irish coffees while my mom and my godmother FaceTimed with my dad. 
With the weather still not getting better we walked around the shopping area of San Sebastian and then headed back around 7PM to catch the last bus to Pamplona.

I swear I'm almost done with the Spain posts, I promise.

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