March 10, 2014

100 days

March 4th,2014

I recently sat down at my desk after a self pep talk and downloaded an app to countdown the days until I had to return home to the States.
It was time that I had to hit reality.
It was tough, don't get me wrong, but it had to be done and also I was curious to know how long I really had until I had to return to the states.
Turns out that Tuesday on March 4th, I had 100 days left in this country.
Reality bit me right in the cold Swedish butt.

With that realization, I had another realization, it was National Semla Day in Uppsala.
What's National Semla Day? You Ask.
A semla, or a "cream bun"as called by my automatic translator on my computer, is a cardamom-wheat bun with the top cut off. Inside is filled with almond paste, milk and the inside of the bun and filled with cream then topped with the cut off top like a top hat.
Norrlands Nation, the nation where I "live" now because I'm there at least once or twice a week, hosted a nightly fika selling different flavors of semlas:
served with sweet potato soup, it was a delicious way to eat my feelings after the tough realization.

Also apparently March 4th was national pancake day in the states, Happy Belated Pancake day to all back home. 94 days until I see American pancakes. 
Oh yeah, I didn't tell you? Swedish pancakes aren't like American pancakes, so I haven't actually seen a big fluffy oversized American pancake since August, wrap that around your head. 

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