August 29, 2013

settle down

It's been a week since my arrival and I have finally settled down.
Well sort of, kind of.
Still have to go to the Migration Board to get my VISA so I can be offish and stuff,
Get a bike, (which for some reason, seems impossible to get...for me at least)
Get a tax ID number so I can work and get some money on the side, cuz you know money is good and stuff right?
Figure the bejesus out of my schedule (either I'm reading it wrong or my classes are at different times everyday, my sleep cycle is going to be awesome).
But let me just tell you that
I swear I have no idea how these people live without phones, like it was worse than not having Internet. Like how did people communicate with each other before these cellular devices? Like really? I felt lost and alone and cast away-ed on a desert island with my buddy Wilson, except that I don't have a buddy Wilson, my only buddy is a human one and my iPhone which I could only play music on and sometimes message people.
Phones are incredible and there will be no media fast for me in the future.
This is a big deal for me ok guys? In all seriousness, I have no idea how many times I have gotten lost in this small city. Yes, small city. I think it was the fact that everything was in Swedish and that intimidated me because they were long words in Swedish and that stuff just scares me, ya know?
But you have no idea how many times I have been lost meeting with my Swedish buddy/friend and how many texts/calls have included the phrase "uh...I think I went the wrong way again...." ( hashtag foreign move).
It got to the point where the conversation literally went like this via telephone
Buddy: "How are you doing?
Me: "Oh you know the usual, just lost."

::This conversation happened 5 days ago::
Now for the past 5 days and ongoing, I know where to go and it have gone home faster than normal, which is impressive, for me at least. I even take little shortcuts and shave off like 10 seconds off my walking time (look at me being all short cut savvy and all!)
I'm really really proud of this ok? Like you have no idea, unless you have been in a foreign country and gotten lost at least once everyday and taken full 360 circles to the place you were just at.
Power Whoosh for me on 3
::clap clap clap::
(thanks for the love guys, i feel it!)

Ok I'm done bye. Listen to this tune.

Settle Down- Kimbra
(wrong settling down, but you get the picture?)

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