August 26, 2013

saturday night live: crayfish scene

I've been here 6 days and I'm already starting to feel Swedish. It started with this past Saturday when I was invited to a "Crayfish Party".
What is a "Crayfish Party" you ask?
What is crayfish?
Let's begin with what is crayfish.
They are a red type of shrimp characters with little black beady eyes that remind me of a movie that I watched in junior high. Those beady little eyes that look at you with sadness speaking "Don't eat me! Don't eat me!" But you want to fit in to Swedish culture and so you crack them by the tail, pour some lemon over them and eat them.
I'm sorry little red fellas, I'm trying to fit in with the Swedes, you understand right?
ignore the badly chipped nail polish

like i said, those beady little black eyes
also ignore my right eye, it has a mind of its own

All in all, crayfish were delicious, I ate three and then munched on some salad and mozzarella balls along with 2 German beers. Oh, forgot to mention, I'm legal here. Cool right? I can actually chill in the alcohol aisle and not feel guilty/awkward.

Also, in dedication to this being my first crayfish party and in eating these sad look creatures, I wore my fire engine red pants to this event, in hopes that no one will make fun of me matching the crayfish.
No one did, although I did match my Irish friend later on that night who also sported fire engine red pants.
Also Swedes wear fire engine red pants, but that's another post to come.
They were $20 at the GAP, I couldn't resist. Get a pair, trust me.
Fun fact about crayfish parties: People sing songs in Sweden and drink shots of Schnapps during it and get extremely intoxicated. As a first time participant, I chose to listen to the songs and nod my head pretending like I know them and drink my beer in substitute of Schnapps. Also, I can't do shots, bad experiences with shots. Nej shots nej.

Thus concludes this week's SNL episode of crayfish, no worries more to come, these little red guys are everywhere and my red pants will make a surprise appearance just like my idol Amy Poehler. ( I wonder if she has a pair of fire engine red pants, she should, she's Amy Poehler).
And live from Uppsala, Sweden......IT'S (was) SATURDAY NIGHT!!!

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