March 29, 2013

problem country

I did my first task of paperwork today for Sweden and it was stressful. Not going to lie.
I had to do this mini-application thing that required me to list all of my classes that I was going to take for my major. It took an hour an a half and it was tedious.
Course numbers, number of weeks I was going to take it, department, name of class and units and all have to be under 30 units.
My brain hurt. Like really bad.
And on top of that I had to get passport photos. It was awkward. Like really awkward.
I went to Costco, used a friend's Costco card and bought 8 photos. That part wasn't awkward.
What was awkward was taking the picture.
Literally the conversation went like this:
Lady: Ok, now smile without showing any teeth!
Me: wait what?
Lady: you can't show any teeth
Me: uh.......yeah ok sure
::smiles with no teeth::
I didn't know you couldn't smile with teeth while taking passport photos, like I grew up with showing teeth in passport photos, why now? Why no teeth? I don't like this. I hate change.
Anywho, passport photos were set and done and I got over the whole no-showing-teeth-in-picture change and ended up eating lunch off of Costco samples.
I turned the paperwork in, on time like a good student and planning on going home this weekend in which I will officially announce verbally to my whole family that I will be venturing off to Sweden in 4 months. Questions will be answered and butterflies will reproduce in my stomach.

Also, sidenote and completely off topic, but I found an iPod in my radio studio today and was a good Samaritan and asked in class who's it was but no one responded. Still being a good Samaritan I'm keeping it until its rightful owner has it back. In which I have charged it, stalked its music and am currently listening to all of the songs right now.
Big Phone C: whoever you are, you have wonderful taste in music and the fact that you have all the Beatles songs plus each individual Beatles artist's albums makes me want to make you waffles and coffee and get to know you.
If you are single, please call me.

Song of the day: You & Me- Dave Matthews Band
#foodporn: once again Ritz Crackers and Costco Guacamole. BUT!!!!! bonus surprise!!!!
I bought fro-yo after my class and it was delicious.
Oatmeal Cookie and Wild Berry Tart plus Reese's equals ERMAHGERWD SER GEWRD.

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