April 6, 2013

pulling my hair out

I have had barely any class this week and I love it, but it's almost been a sign from the universe to get a head start on my 50 page packet for Sweden and so I listened to the universe.
I now hate/love that I did that.
That packet included a Residence Permit that is taking over my life.
A 30-40 minute packet including sending important documents to an embassy in D.C.
This was my reaction when I read the directions;
Panic attack mode struck in and thoughts started to race.
I totally did not sign up for this.
It got to the point where I used Facebook as a personal diary and expressed my anger and then asked  begged for help via a status. In which then I got responses from people who knew people who had gone to Sweden, and then my roommate came and calmed me down and later paid for my chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookie and then the world became a better place.
To sum it all up, I'm still stressing out about this Residence Permit, the paperwork never seems to stop, and I'm pretty sure at one point my hair will start to recede as this goes by.
I'll probably have more posts like this where I'll complain about paperwork, but then again thats the process I have to do to get to Ikea Motherland. So to say it now, this isn't and won't be the first time freaking out about this paperwork. Heads up world, there comes more.

Food: Cookie in a Mug with Matcha Green Tea Gelato

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