As I said before, I named Swedish Mother Nature Carol because she needed to get her shit together.
This week's weather has been completely crazy you have no idea.
It had been in the high 50s for a week and a half which in Sweden terms is warm. (I know, as a Californian, 50 degrees is nothing, but when you have lived in 5 to -2 degree weather 50 is the warmest time ever).
I was in my room with the window open in a tank top watching the sun set, as I sipped on my Vitamin C drink and smiling because my mood has increased to a million.
Fast forward to two days later and this happens:
Like seriously? What is this?
This was that same day at 10PM on my way to the grocery store.
This is from the day after the big snow day. Note the lack of snow on the ground and the melting snow on the Cathedral.
Fast forward to the next day:
I cereal right now Sweden?
Let's just say, thank sweet little baby Jesus that I was going to London to get away from the ups and downs of the Swedish weather. At least in London, I know that the weather is consistent: gloomy skies and rain.
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