February 11, 2014

take a walk

In my last winter post, I raved about the snow and how I was like Buddy the Elf, when I experienced real snow for the first time. After the first week, I was still in love with it, but then some Swedish people told me that I was going to get sick of it after the first week and hate it.
I absolutely loved it.
Growing up in California, especially in Northern California, there was winter but not the true winter where it gets really cold and the outside looks like an image from Google. The coldest it has been in California (since I've been there) is 20 degrees (-6 Celsius) and there was like 1/2 an inch of snow, but of course in California, is the biggest deal ever.
Sure it's been cold, cloudy and muggy and there are days where I want to stay in on my couch with a cup of hot chocolate and watch Cupcake Wars and have it feel like winter, but after living in the cold, dark, snowy winter for 2 months, California winter is never going to compare to this.
When I got back from Christmas vacation, it started to snow and that little Buddy the Elf in me started to run around my room. There's something about the sound of fresh snow that makes your morning, even the ones where you skip breakfast and hadn't had your coffee yet. The snow made my mornings. It didn't matter how many layers I had on, or if I forgot to wear tights under my jeans, it was peaceful just looking at the snow. There were even days where, when I didn't have class, I would go for a walk to downtown and walk around the park in the snow, listening to Tina Fey's Bossypants and trying hard not to laugh out loud so the Swedes don't judge me.
Botannical Gardens right after sunset

Uppsala Pink Castle

This is known as the Burning Man/Heating Man.
It is literally a long gold man that lays near the river and is always warm, ALWAYS. 
My friend had told me about this man, and I have been searching for him for days and I'm so glad I found him.
Sitting on this man, I get the view of the river and castle, as pictured above this picture, and contemplate. It's the perfect spot to just sit and think and get your butt warm at the same time.
--It's the only man that can keep me warm in Sweden--

I mean, how can a California person not enjoy this?

Unfortunately, the snow has melted and according to the Swedes, this year is a warm winter. February is usually the month where it snows heavily and then March comes in and saves the day, but not this winter. According to the weather forecast, rain and clouds will be in the air until, cross fingers, the next swoop of snow.
But I will say that when it did snow, I was careful enough to not fall in it, until today when I was going to get a package from my parents and fell in the mud.....awesome.

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