As stated in a previous post, I have recently been introduced to Swedish waffles (and by recently, I mean for the past 2 months that I've been here.--Also realization that I've been here for 2 months, slightly freaking out).
The past couple of weeks, on Thursdays, I have been going to the same Student nation and paying 40 SEK (6 US dollars) for all I can eat waffles and coffee and talking with friends for hours on end.
It's kind of a mixture of FRIENDS at Central Perk and How I Met Your Mother at McClarens where we all sit around a table, give ourselves food comas and get hyped up on 5 cups of endless coffee and sit for hours on end just talking, laughing and filling in awkward moments.
No matter how poor you are, there is always time for waffles and even if you are poor and barely have food, you know that filling up on waffles will last you the whole day until around 10 o'clock at night when you get the late night munchies.
One of the best parts, besides the re-enactment of two famous television shows, is that no one will judge you on how many waffles one eats. Like I said before, Swedish waffles are a lot thinner than US waffles and always come in twos. So the thickness of one big US waffle is about 4 Swedish waffles. So like it's ok to eat 4 Swedish waffles because it's like 1 big US waffle.
And you top it off with cream, jam, chocolate chips or even better when they bring out the chocolate whipped cream (yes chocolate whipped cream and yes it's homemade).
::ugh, drool::
Now that it is fall/slowly winter a cup of hot coffee and some warm waffles will for sure make this winter bearable.
Just thinking about holding a warm cup of delicious Swedish coffee and filling my cold stomach with warm waffles as I watch the snow fall outside, makes for the picture perfect winter that I can't wait to experience.
Everyone, WINTER IS COMING and so are the waffles.
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